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Pneumatic Low Pressure System ”PLS” 

A PLS is a continuous transport with high air flow and low degree of filling of material. The transport method is suitable for transport of lighter powdery materials, such as fine chalk and charcoal.

The system is often used for filter coating by blowing the material into the flue gas duct, which then carries the material to the filter media to improve the flue gas cleaning.

The system may be equipped for capacities up to 1,000 dmᶟ/h.

The illustration on the right shows the smallest of our low pressure systems, but the components involved are basically the same in larger systems.

Pneumatiskt Lågtryckssystem med delar
Pneumatiskt Lågtryckssystem

Associated products

Injector box

If you would like more information about BERGU's pneumatic low pressure system, you are welcome to contact us to discuss your needs, and we will be happy to get back to you with a data sheet, drawing and quote, etc.